Second Annual Workshop on the Teaching of Software Testing (WTST 2)
February 7 – 9, 2003
Melbourne, Florida
- Bach, James: How Testers Think [pdf] | [ppt]
- Barbosa, Ellen Francine, et al: The Challenge of Teaching Software Testing Earlier into Design [pdf] | [ppt]
- Edwards, Stephen H.: Automatically Assessing Assignments That Use Test-Driven Development [pdf]
- Kaner, Cem: Assessment in the Software Testing Course [pdf] | [doc]
- Pettichord, Bret: A Unified Theory of Software Testing [pdf] | [doc]
- Pettichord, Bret: Four Schools of Software Testing [pdf] | [ppt]
- Pollice, Gary: First Experience Teaching Software Testing [pdf] | [ppt]
- Schroeder, Patrick J.: Involving Testing Students in Software Projects [pdf] | [ppt]